

Monks, whose affinity for meditation is well known, connected the spiritual and the mechanical to create near perfect begins - Khung'lai. This faction is especially durable thanks to numerous body enchantments. As if that wasn't enough, they can meditate to access new abilities and rule over the battlefield even more easly. It will be bloodbath!

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Yrsa are just an army of humanoid lizards, shapeshifting into humans! Few are aware they in fact rule the world. Sounds familliar? Fighting an enemy as obscure as this is not easy... posions, mutations, world domination and suprise attacks are main advantages of this faction.

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The radiant army of Seraphia is full of pompous Elves and boring do-gooders. They specialize in arts of protection, healing, and control - often outlasting their enemy. And if that fails, they can always hope for one of their overpowered angels to swoop in and slaughter the opponent or even grant you an additional turn.

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The legion of destruction from the dark realm of Styxia is a perfect place for anyone who enjoys the salty taste of enemy tears. This faction employs many abilities that force the opponent to discard or wreak havoc on his battle lines. And since Styxian minions are expandable, you get many, many opportunities to sacrifice them for greater evil.

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Proud inventors and best riflemans in the world - they are Gunslingers. They use deadly contraptions and perfect aim to destroy anyone who stands in their way. If you like dealing tons of damage and setting up deadly combos this is faction fro you!

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Frost Giants

Mysterious folk and creatures of North - they are the reason why northpole is stil undiscover (besides low temperature of course). Frost Gigants often use their weather - controlling abilities to create Blizzard over battlefiled which brings doom to their foes. At first they may seem weak but when they reach certain point they become unstoppable.

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